
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - March 2013


My hairs are very short and have lot of dandruff. I have tried lots of remedies and shampoos but have never been satisfied?(UzmaNaaz, Lahore)

SUGGESTION: If hairs were healthy and then weakened, this is the sign of weakness in your body which effects the hair growth. For example your hair loses its health during sickness and regains it once you recover from that sickness .Everything from the environment to the food intake should also be considered while discussing your hair. Improper take of oily food can result in upset health while ultimately result in dandruff. Therefore a person should take care of his food and the hair tidiness. To promote blood circulation, you should breathe deeply and also massage your scalp often. Many articles have been issued on this effectiveness. Often use of herbs create chemical changes in your scalp which is very beneficial for your hair growth. Taking care of above mentioned notes will definitely have a good impact on your hair growth. Apart from this you can read SURAH LAIL 7 times day and night and blow it on the oil you use for your hair. IN SHA ALLAH you will get rid of all the collective hair problems.


My brother does not get a positive response on any job that he applies and no one even pays attention when we ask them for support. My entire family is facing this issue. We are facing so many problems and hurdles. We are very upset with all these tensions.(Ishrat Karachi)

ANSWER: Ask your brother to read YA RAHEEMO100 times after fajr prayers and blow on both your hands and rub them on face. Continue this Amal for at least 90 days.


My 9 year daughter is very weak. She gets pale often; she complains of stomach ache in the morning and is very lazy in the morning. She sleeps very late at night and does not pay much attention on her studies. (Shabana; Lahore)

ANSWER: Consult a good doctor. Symptoms mentioned can be a result of some physical disorder or disease. Recite the following four times blow on water and let your daughter drink it. This will prove very beneficial for regaining physical system. Make sure to take care of precautionary diet prescribed by the doctor.

بِسْمِ اللہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْم الٰرٰ تِلْکَ اٰیٰتُ الْکِتَابِ الْمُبِیْنِ اَلرَّحِیْمْ اَلرَّحِیْمْ اَلرَّحِیْمْ یَااَللہُ یَاحَفِیْظُ


I am not a sensible person. I suffer from inferior complex. I can’t talk to anybody. My mind is always surrounded or trapped in lots of thoughts. Whenever I start any talk, I am unable to complete it. This is why I was laid back in my studies.  I do all house works, but never get that respect in home. In fact I never get that respect anywhere which I deserve. Communication is very important in today’s world but I am unable to communicate. I have no ability of impressing anyone. (Shiraz Butt, Gujranwala)

ANSWER: Every single person is naturally blessed with different qualities. A person gets inferiority complex when he compares himself with others and thinks that he is inferior to others. This way, a person overlooks his own qualities. Improving yourself by comparing with others is a good thing but believing that you are inferior from others can ruin your own energy and have a negative effect on your personality and ultimately the person gets onto the wrong track and bear loss in life. The reason to mention all this is to ask you to analyze your thinking and avoid the unnecessary comparison with others.Similarly, don’t think that you have to impress anyone. Recite YA WASIYO یَاوَاسِعُ 100 times after Fajr and Isha prayer. This will be very beneficial and you should continue this for at least 40 days.


I am noticing a weird change in my feeling from few months. I feel like a long white dressed person is always with me and coming towards me. This feeling is so strong that I am unable to deny. I get so scared when I feel that and start running. This scary feeling even stays with me when my husband is around. I feel that tall person is walking besides me.I am scared to hell. (Multan)

ANSWER: Sometimes the thoughts of a person can strongly influence the feeling of that person. When a person takes these thoughtsdeeply, they take shape and theperson starts feeling it as reality. Following the below mentioned Amal will benefit you.

Have a controlled diet. Keep lahori salt handy and take little of it. Avoid stale food. Reduce intake of meat. If you are doing any wazifa stop it. Walk on wet grass bare footed early in the morning. After 10 minutes of this walk read SURAH FALAK, blow it on your hand and rub them from head to toe and then tap them on the ground. Repeat this for 5 times. Continue this Amal for at least 40 days.


My sister is undergoing a mental pressure. She was suffering from a disease which was treated by an operation. But now she is suffering from the same disease again. Doctors say it’s nothing to worry about but she thinks she will die because her disease is incurable. We have done a lot of treatment and tried to convince her but she does not understand. She has lost hope. She gets scared at night during her sleep and cries a lot.(Muhammad Shahid, Rawalpindi)

ANSWER: This Amal should be done before sunrise. Ask your sister to sit in front of you and tell her to imagine that she is sitting under the sky. You or anyone else doing this Amal should also imagine the same. Read یَاوَدُوْدُ YA-WADUDO in the same imagination and blow it on your sister’s face. Repeat this Amal for 21 days daily. InshAllah such benevolence shall enter your sister’s mind which shall help her in getting rid of doubt/delusion.


My younger sister is very stubborn and short tempered. She does what she wants to do and does not listen to any of us. She is very hesitant to go to school. It’s very difficult to send her to school every day. She behaves in a much weird way when she is angry.

ANSWER: When your sister is sleeping at night, Read SURAH KAUSAR one time and blow it on her. If this Amal can be done by your mother, it would be better. Read YA RAHEEMO 100 times on any drink and let your sister drink it. InshAllah, she will not be stubborn and her behavior will change. However, avoid unnecessary strictness.


I belong to a middle class family. I passed my matriculation in first division.  But could not score good grades in my Intermediate due to the family condition. I am the eldest in my family. My brother is old and ill. We are also financially weak. I want to get a job. I have tried in a couple of places but did not succeed.  I think of continuing my studies but sometimes I feel I should start some work.  Kindly guide and help me on this issue.

ANSWER:The demand of your situation that you have mentioned above, it is very important to learn any skill along with your studies. It would be better if you could do any technical course like Computer operating, mobile repairing or similar short courses.

Read یَارَزَّاقُ YA RAZZAKO 41 times after every prayer and pray to Allah for solving your problems. Continue doing this Amal for at least 40 days. Also read YA HAYYO YA QAYYUM یَاحَیُّ یَاقَیُّومُ all times


My child was very healthy for first Six months. Everybody use to praise his health. He began teething from the seventh month. Since then, he started having fever on and off. He also had diarrhea twice. Now he is very weak. He does not eat well now. He is crying all the time.  I am giving him medicines as prescribed by the doctor but he is not getting better.(Nusrat, Bahawalpur)

ANSWER:Whenever the children start teething, they often undergo these health issues. Continue the doctors prescribed medicines.  Write the first verse of SUARH YOUSUF p12 on a butter paper and seal it with Wax in Blue color cloth and have the child wear it.Read SURAH KAUSAR 41 times at night and blow on your child.

الٰرٰ تِلْکَ اٰیٰتُ الْکِتَابِ الْمُبِیْنِ


I have been married for 10 years now. My husband was very loving and caring in the beginning. He found a female friend four years back. I was told about it by some other people. My husband totally refused this when I inquired about it. Now he does not come home for many days and does not even care for children’s need. Once when I complained about his behaviors, he kicked me out of the house. Now I am staying in a rented house. Now I have heard that he got married to that girl. That girl has asked him not to meet us. It has been a year that we have not heard anything from him. Hakim Sahib, please pray for us.  Allah’s Kalam is very powerful;please pray that my husband returns. [Naheed; Khanewal]


Read the Verse 26 of Surah Aal-e-Imran 101 times every day before going to sleep. Read 11 times Duroodsharif in the beginning and in the end. And blow on you husband by imagining him and sleep after that. This Amal should be continued for 40 days. Count the missed days and complete them later.

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